Church Trends One SITE for Your PCUSA Data
Year At A Glance: Leaders 2022
July 27, 2024
Serving a Congregation All
Pastor or Co-Pastor 3,386
Associate Pastor 563
Interim Pastor or Interim Associate 341
Commissioned Ruling Elder 0
Temporary Pastoral Relationship 694
Pastor Emeritus/Emerita 0
Member of Another Denomination All
Pastor or Co-Pastor 0
Associate Pastor 0
Interim Pastor or Interim Associate 0
Temporary Relationship 0
Designated Pastor 104
Designated Associate Pastor 18
Retired All
Honorably Retired Member of the Presbytery 8,437
Mid Councils All
Organizing Pastor or Evangelist 129
Executive 104
Stated Clerk 33
Executive and Stated Clerk 24
Mid Council Staff 47
Missionary 4
Mid Council Emeritus/Emerita 0
General Assembly Entities All
Chief Executive Officer 4
Agency Staff 68
Field Staff 11
Missionary or Fraternal Worker 32
Serving Another Denomination, Ecumenical
Agency or Non-Denominational Agency
Pastor or Co-Pastor 125
Associate Pastor 48
Temporary Pastoral Relationship 22
Stated Supply 0
Chief Administrative Officer 13
Staff 38
Educational Institute All
Pastor/Chaplain 105
Chief Administrator 16
Administrative Staff 69
Education Institute Faculty 248
Student 14
Serving Other Institutions All
Pastor/Chaplain 545
Chief Administrator 31
Staff 39
Military All
Air Force Chaplain 19
Army Chaplain 29
Navy Chaplain 34
Veterans Administration Chaplain 19
Other All
Other Validated Ministry 509
Ruling Elder Commissioned to Validated Ministry 0
Inactive 86
Exclusion From Office 13
Member At Large 2,152