Church Trends One SITE for Your PCUSA Data
Year At A Glance: Financials
March 15, 2025 (Statistics are Totals, show Distributions)
Reporting Year   2023
Membership as of 12-31-2023 11,769 65 3 - 1,027 102
Attendance 4,249 58 10 - 667 45
Finances (Income)TotalChurches
Regular Contribution $14,688,823 54 $7,965 - 2,889,699 $150,378
Bequests $3,086,459 24 $1,000 - 1,700,000 $19,087
Investment Income $2,943,884 37 $16 - 507,648 $15,656
Capital Building Fund $1,470,319 25 $50 - 877,415 $16,375
Subsidy Aid $471,463 8 $1,000 - 300,032 $28,586
Other Income $2,261,514 43 $250 - 348,031 $34,814
Finances (Expenditures)TotalChurches
Local Program $16,461,668 51 $20,794 - 1,672,458 $205,910
Local Mission $1,297,331 47 $400 - 238,261 $9,983
Other Mission $917,204 43 $500 - 249,347 $5,188
Per Capita $415,274 59 $535 - 43,210 $3,736
Capital Expenditures $2,283,875 40 $1,051 - 826,622 $33,974
Investment Expense $737,347 16 $100 - 358,778 $10,310

PC(USA) does not have sufficient information to make an accurate interpretation for all "zero" responses.
Here are some of the uses for "zero" in the Church Trends tables.

  • Zero is the valid response for this question. There are no members in this group, no finances to report, etc.
  • The information was not available at the time that the report is filed.
  • The question was missed or skipped.
  • No Session Annual Statistical Report was filed.
The source for Church Trends data is the Session Annual Statistical Report.