Church Trends One SITE for Your PCUSA Data
Four Years At A Glance: MEMBERSHIP
March 12, 2025(Statistics are totals)
Churches Reporting 1,225 1,238
Membership 182,966 189,465
Attendance 66,704 68,272
Friends 19,996 22,110
Certificate 2,315 2,226
Professions / Reaffirmations 3,125 2,266
Youth Professions 1,079 1,368
Churches Reporting One or More Gains 641 621
Certificate 1,298 1,506
Death 3,022 3,433
Deleted 7,533 7,877
Confirmation 141 160
Presented 1,418 1,321
Other 158 173
Churches Reporting One or More Baptisms 439 424
Under 18 6,542 7,932
18 - 25 12,781 14,400
26 - 40 22,474 25,709
41 - 55 26,521 30,003
56 - 70 38,301 42,319
71 and over 46,953 49,646
Churches Reporting No Ages 275 222
Churches Reporting One or More Ages 950 1,016
Female 89,540 97,615
Male 64,546 71,102
Racial Ethnic Diversity20232022
Asian / Pacific Islander / South Asian 3,136 4,054
Black / African American / African 10,182 10,976
Latinx 821 899
Middle Eastern / North African 181 248
Multiracial 780 783
Native American / Alaska / Native Indigenous 166 158
White 133,264 146,830

PC(USA) does not have sufficient information to make an accurate interpretation for all "zero" responses.
Here are some of the uses for "zero" in the Church Trends tables.

  • Zero is the valid response for this question. There are no members in this group, no finances to report, etc.
  • The information was not available at the time that the report is filed.
  • The question was missed or skipped.
  • No Session Annual Statistical Report was filed.
Note: Not all congregations report their memberships' racial ethnic and age information.
The source for Church Trends data is the Session Annual Statistical Report.