Church Trends One SITE for Your PCUSA Data
Year At A Glance: Financials
March 25, 2025 (Statistics are Totals, show Distributions)
Reporting Year   2023
Membership as of 12-31-2023 1,090,787 8,517 1 - 7,535 61
Attendance 445,302 6,498 1 - 5,074 38
Finances (Income)TotalChurches
Regular Contribution $1,802,659,870 6,119 $22 - 30,050,810 $119,487
Bequests $153,203,716 1,986 $9 - 5,462,739 $10,000
Investment Income $375,141,872 4,447 $1 - 31,680,836 $10,292
Capital Building Fund $205,490,278 2,626 $5 - 16,563,563 $13,500
Subsidy Aid $22,229,656 1,029 $9 - 5,200,000 $4,400
Other Income $326,099,311 4,037 $4 - 12,200,000 $13,591
Finances (Expenditures)TotalChurches
Local Program $1,894,246,689 5,959 $30 - 28,729,746 $133,817
Local Mission $176,291,442 5,615 $10 - 22,050,000 $6,558
Other Mission $268,251,453 4,472 $24 - 201,000,000 $3,598
Per Capita $68,311,202 5,562 $1 - 27,980,000 $2,900
Capital Expenditures $568,864,280 3,771 $31 - 185,100,000 $22,705
Investment Expense $149,305,621 1,569 $2 - 5,038,279 $17,790

PC(USA) does not have sufficient information to make an accurate interpretation for all "zero" responses.
Here are some of the uses for "zero" in the Church Trends tables.

  • Zero is the valid response for this question. There are no members in this group, no finances to report, etc.
  • The information was not available at the time that the report is filed.
  • The question was missed or skipped.
  • No Session Annual Statistical Report was filed.
The source for Church Trends data is the Session Annual Statistical Report.